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2012-01-09 - 1:55 a.m.

a teacher looms, from her fingernails which rot fall tiny spiders, bugs, that loom with eyes like speeding cars, like crabs with awful pincers, a horrible beast with the face of a bully. the teacher again, teeth like a snakes, sinking into the skin, the neck, piercing, no blood, but a sapping of life, a whitening of skin, the thinning of body until bones and ligaments crackle like a snapping wishbone. she is ripped away, but from the wound grows a beetle with a tail which wraps around the neck, suffocating the face like an alien, writhing, won�t come off, stagger, into the trees, the forest, the fog, and when it leaves the lake, the drowning, to emerge, but the water is rising, the levee is breaking, the tree branches are sharp, the earth shakes, there is lightning, a quake, a fall, falling falling so dark, and then the water, the water rushes and takes you, takes you all, into a whirlpool, into another land, and your savior, your guardian teddy in a cave of teeth, a mine shaft of teeth and electric buzzing lanterns, and circuitry. one by one they fizz out, nothing but static, growing static, until only your family is left in the darkness, the darkness, a shadow with a crooked hand, each on the shoulder of a parent, a sister, hand in their back, moving their mouths, making them speak. �we would be better off without you. we would be better off without you.� and each of your parents you tear appart, with your bare hands, and from each of them flows stuffing, mounds of stark white stuffing, threads everywhere, and the shadow retreats, defeated. there is your teddy, a seam torn open, and each of the nightmares attacks your waking self, and each you slam against the wall and rip to shreds, none of them shall touch your teddy. and your mother rushes into save you, to hug you, to comfort you, you are not crying but there are tears. and she asks what happened to your teddy, we�ll fix him up in the morning. because tonight is another battle, another onslaught, and he will be there, to save you from the darkness. because he is the keeper of dreams, and you are different. you are loved. you have not forgotten how to dream. with dreams come nightmares. and he will never let the darkness take you.


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