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2007-11-20 - 8:26 a.m.

starts out in a facility, like a retirement home or an old folks home. lots of rooms and characters. there are these two old ladies playing computer games, a social worker who looks like debi mazar with red hair. the old ladies are playing a game called kid in the woods or kid 6000 or something, and have so much fun one says "hopefully i'll be playing this for the next century!" i'm running back and forth helping them help each other cheat.

there's two kids doing volunteer work. they leave. before i leave there's like a commercial for having sex, and when i leave i'm more like a private eye type character. down the road there are these kids throwing big water balloons at cars. as we're driving up they warn us that they pelt any car full of men, sure enough they tag us. we get out and my partner asks, why did you throw balloons at that car ahead of us then? there was a boy and a girl in it, the little black girl in the group says no there wasn't, and with a grim look i say, the social worker. she murdered them! looks like we were on the case.


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