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2005-09-06 - 9:44 a.m.

rachel and i were laying down to watch a movie. she gets up and says, i'll be back, can you stay hard? i say yes and she leaves, then jon behind me says now that'll never happen, and she comes back and says that was a test and you failed, and we watch the movie.
i was in a grocery store at night, and i overheard someone talking about wayne. then i started to leave and went to get a gumball, but the thing was broken and i could just reach in my hand to get one. i did and i ate it, but then i realized that i'd just stolen something that was for sale, which is the one thing i haven't stolen yet, so i tried to buy one but couldn't find a quarter. i searched around and finally found one and had to wait in front of other people, then i finally got to the gumball machine and put the quarter in and turned. i meant to just leave the gumball in the slot, but when i turned the thing like ten gumballs fell, so i ate another one and walked away happy.
there's this same kind of school that i've dreamt about before, it was set up like manford williams and meyer but everything was exaggerated, it was huge and there are always a million people around it. i had to take jon there, but because of the rising gas prices mom bought us two of those tiny motorcycles. she had to keep on though so jon had to ride bitch, which was ridiculous, but i got him there and mom was right behind us. i dropped them both off and drove away, and as i was riding down this steep hill that ended in a roundabout a white car infront of me started fishtailing down the hill and eventually crashed in the center of the cul de sac, but someone had set up a big black net to catch cars in just that predicament. I went down to help the driver, who was fine but stuck in a really absurd position between the seat and the dash on the floor. He was really muddy. He took me to his office right on the cul de sac i think to bribe me for some reason having to do with the crash, and while i use the bathroom his partner comes in. i shake the partners hand and wonder why his grip is so weak, when it turns out he doesn't have any arms. he says he just wears the fake ones so people don't get too weirded out when they first see him, and i realize i heard about the armless guy. Mom comes and the guy hands me a reciept and we leave, and i remember to look at the receipt and it just said he did a routine checkup on my car, which he didn't.


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